Watch The Video About The Course

Hello, I'm Chuck Hyde.

For over 20 years, I have been a licensed massage therapist practicing in Boulder, Colorado. Through my vibration-based massage approach, I saw the need for alternative therapies to help address years of accumulated stress and embodied trauma patterning in my clients. This practice led me to find technologies that aligned with my ideas.

In 2012, I started working with So Sound® Solutions to help create a teaching approach using Acoustic Resonance Therapy boards. This profound healing technology facilitates the release of the sympathetic nervous system’s accumulated tension by using specific frequencies of sound, resonating through the human body.

These early sound sessions were named, “iRevibe” sessions and started my journey to create Light Club. Six years later, I added the Lucia N°03 light to enhance the effects of the vibration boards and Light Club was born.

At the time, I didn't realize I was the first practitioner in the United States to combine sound and vibroacoustic technology with hypnagogic light therapy. Light Club has done thousands of sessions and is a pioneer in how light, sound, and vibration affect consciousness and support healing the human body. Light Club is also the first to map all the frequencies of the programs of the Lucia No. 3 Light.

Today, my mission is to grow the Light Club community, develop new ways to use light and sound to enhance the human experience, and to teach what I've learned to as many Lucia Light practitioners as possible.

Lucia Light
Monthly Subscription

The Art Of The Lucia No. 3 Light is a comprehensive course designed to help Lucia Light owners learn to operate, guide, and create sessions while taking a closer look at The Lucia N°03 Technology. You will gain a deep understanding of the specific frequency content of each session on your lamp and learn to make educated session selections for yourself and clients using our frequency map.

The frequency map is a list of the frequencies from all of the programs that come with the Lucia N°03 light. The frequencies of each Lucia Light program entrain the brain to help experience the various brain wave states or frequencies of consciousness. A light attendant can use the frequency map to fine tune a light session to help match a client’s needs, intentions, and sensitivity level.

The Art Of The Lucia No. 3 Light course is available for monthly subscribers. This course covers how to operate your lamp, use the frequency map, and best practices for clients before, during, and after a session. Every month you'll get 2 pages of the frequency map with new sessions to use in your light practice. New lessons will be released periodically to cover additional Lucia Light related topics as requested by students.

Client Underneath Lucia Light During A Session
Session Progressions From The Frequency Map

Another option is to buy session progressions from the frequency map. These session progressions are designed to focus on the 5 brain wave frequencies - delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma. You will receive a digital download pdf of the sessions.

The frequency map is a list of the frequencies from all of the programs that come with the Lucia N°03 light. The frequencies of each Lucia Light program entrain the brain to help experience the various brain wave states or frequencies of consciousness. A light attendant can use the frequency map to fine tune a light session to help match a client’s needs, intentions, and sensitivity level.

Light Rider's Course For Clients

This course is a short course designed for clients who are curious about their light therapy session and want to learn more about the Lucia Light No. 3 and best practices for before, during, and after a session. This course includes breathing and stretching techniques you can use during a session.

The Course Curriculum

  Operating The Lucia No. 3 Light For A Light Session - The Basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Functions Of Lucia Light No. 3 And Programs - Know Your Light
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Things To Do During A Light Session - The Art Of Operating A Lucia No. 3 Light
Available in days
days after you enroll
  After A Session - The Client's Aftercare
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Frequency Map
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, And Gamma Light Programs - Explore The Light-Verse With The Frequency Map
Available in days
days after you enroll

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